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Interviews with residents west of Gross Reservoir

by Jessie Strobel | July 31, 2023 | News

In April and May 2023, Denver Water worked with a third-party consultant to perform one-on-one interviews with residents on the west side of Gross Reservoir who are likely to be affected by tree removal activities, set to begin in 2025. The interviews offered residents an opportunity to share ideas, concerns and suggestions about tree removal timing, safety and other related issues.

The facilitator met with 15 residents on the west side of Gross Reservoir and provided Denver Water with a summary of findings and themes, including:

  • Concerns about large trucks on tight dirt roads with blind corners.
  • Concerns about wildlife migration and habitat destruction.
  • A desire for updated information about the number of trees being removed and where those trees will go.
  • Concerns about Winiger Ridge and helicopter landing zones.
  • A preference for email communication by residents in this area.

Denver Water appreciates the time residents took to meet with the facilitator and is reviewing the concerns and suggestions provided during the interviews. We are identifying key components we can include in the upcoming Request for Proposals (RFP) from contractors to perform the tree removal activities. Additional information related to tree removal will be shared with the public as we move through the RFP process.

If you have specific questions related to the Gross Reservoir Expansion Project or these west side interviews, please reach out to us at or 303-628-6348.