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Recreation amid COVID-19

by Melissa Brasfield | April 8, 2020 | News

Denver Water is closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and the potential impacts to the upcoming boating season opening date. At this time it is too early for us to make a determination on any changes to the start of boating season. As soon as we have a better idea on what the boating season will look like we will update We have added a banner to this website to allow the public to clearly monitor the status of recreation at Gross Reservoir. Please continue to check back as the boating season gets closer.

If you do chose to recreate at Gross Reservoir during this time please keep the following items in mind:

  1. Stay home if you are sick or have been exposed to someone who is sick.
  2. Stay close to home for outdoor recreation activities.
  3. Limit gatherings to no more than 4 people
  4. Maintain 6 feet of distance between others and be courteous when passing on trails.
  5. Keep dogs on leash at all times.
  6. Bring your own hand sanitizer and use discretion at public restrooms.
  7. Do not congregate at picnic shelters, trail heads or in parking lots.

And if you have additional questions or concerns, please reach out to us.