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How to grow the perfectly watered Movember moustache

Water-saving shaving tips to ensure you and the bearded men in your life enjoy Movember responsibly.
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It’s Movember, that glorious time of year when the upper lips of many a male all but disappear for a good cause: to raise funds — and awareness — for men’s health, and especially early cancer detection.

Yes, it’s getting pretty hairy out there — and that’s a good thing.

And since we’re sure you have carefully planned how to grow the perfect Movember ’stache, we thought we’d offer some quick facts and water-saving shaving tips. Try saying that five times fast …

First, some facts:

  • The average man needs about 3.5 minutes per shave.
  • A WaterSense-labeled faucet aerator allows 1.5 gallons to flow per minute. That’s 5.25 gallons of water per shave.
  • For those men who shave seven days a week, that amounts to almost 2,000 gallons of water per year!

Yes, that’s a lot. And yes, you can do better.

Here are some quick water-saving tips while you keep yourself looking fresh:

  • Don’t run the water through your entire shave.
  • Try shaving right after your shower. It’ll take less time for your pipes to warm up.
  • Use an electric razor. No water required!

Be sure to save water all year and enjoy Movember responsibly.
Dapper Denver Water logo sporting a bowler hat, glasses and, of course, mustache.