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Mountain treks and 68,000-plus tests

How Denver Water works to provide clean water — from its mountainous source to your kitchen's tap.
Alfonso Gonzales, water quality technician, looks into a microscope in the laboratory at Denver Water's Marston facility.

Denver Water’s water quality experts frequently strap on hiking boots, snowshoes and ATV helmets to trek into the mountains and sample your water straight from the source.

“We check the temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, clarity, heavy metals, nutrients and more,” said James Berrier, water quality technician.

Their vigilance is part of Denver Water's annual program of exhaustive tests, detailed in our 2017 Water Quality Report. The report shows what our employees' efforts confirm: Your drinking water is safe and meets or goes above and beyond requirements set by the Environmental Protection Agency and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

The report includes data informed by the more than 68,000 tests we conducted and 35,000 samples we collected last year.

One frequent visitor to our monitoring sites is John Feldhauser, a third-generation Denver Water employee who takes pride in ensuring your water is safe to drink.

“We need to know what’s in the watershed to make sure the water quality lives up to our standards,” Feldhauser said.

To request a mailed copy of the report, call Customer Care at 303-893-2444 or email your name and mailing address to

John Feldhauser (left) and James Berrier (right), water quality technicians for Denver Water, sample water from a creek in Summit County. Their team takes yearly hikes, weekly backcountry rides and snowshoe treks into the mountains to sample water straight from the source.