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A free-flowing High Line Canal

Denver Water sends water back to the canal for the first time in two years.
Denver Water has sent water to the High Line Canal for the first time since May 2015.


South Platte River water is running to the High Line Canal for the first time since May 2015.

The canal has an 1879 water right, which is fairly junior by Colorado water rights standards. Denver Water typically only runs water to the canal intermittently from April to October, depending on the availability of South Platte River water and demand from irrigation customers.

A high spring runoff in 2015 destroyed the already deteriorating, 130-year-old diversion dam in Waterton Canyon. Denver Water replaced the dam in 2016.

With the new dam complete, conditions are suitable for Denver Water to send water to the canal once again; a beautiful sight for irrigation customers and recreationists alike.

Check out ‘Thinking big’ about the future of the High Line Canal to learn how the High Line Canal Conservancy is working to enhance recreation along the 71-mile canal and trail.