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A bright spot during construction

A look inside the south Denver project that will help provide clean drinking water to Denver’s growing community.
Martin Garcia, senior engineer, snapped this photo of the sun shining through an open hatch during the last scheduled walkthrough of a new treated water storage reservoir before it is filled with water.


Thanks to an open-air hatch, Denver Water senior engineer Martin Garcia encountered this stunning ray of light shining inside a new concrete water tank at the Hillcrest facility during an inspection on Jan. 23.

With an expected completion date of early 2020, this new underground reservoir is one of three new 15-million-gallon tanks that will replace the two original tanks built in the 1960s. Together, the new tanks will store one-quarter of Denver Water’s treated water.

There are five hatches installed at the top of each water tank at Hillcrest. When opened, the hatches provide light and air circulation for crews that need to work inside the tanks.

Read more about the $100 million Hillcrest project underway in south Denver.