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Rain or shine: New yurt open for business

Gross Reservoir Expansion team engaging with Boulder County community for feedback to incorporate in planning process.
The Gross Reservoir Expansion public information yurt is designed for Boulder County residents and those who recreate at Gross Reservoir to provide input on the expansion. Photo credit: Denver Water.

Rainy conditions and chilly temperatures didn’t dissuade a few dozen neighbors and outdoor enthusiasts from attending this season’s opening event on Saturday, May 19. Representatives from Denver Water engaged visitors in conversations about the Gross Reservoir Expansion Project, ranging from construction impacts on the surrounding roads and recreation to the discussions on the environmental enhancements in Grand and Boulder counties.

“The idea behind the Gross Reservoir Expansion public information yurt is to create a regular presence in the community where relationships can be built between project representatives and neighbors and folks who recreate at the facility,” said Matt Wittern, Denver Water community relations project liaison.

“Now in its first full season, the yurt is filled with visual aids that help communicate project information, manage community expectations, take community input and build those one-on-one relationships that will be critical as the project moves forward.”

The yurt is slated to be open at least four days per week over the summer. For more information, and to see the week’s scheduled office hours, visit

Jeff Martin, Gross Reservoir Expansion project manager, speaks with a couple of visitors during the season opener of the public information yurt located at Gross Reservoir. Photo credit: Denver Water.