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Celebrating the season of rain

Denver Water served water at the Xupantla rain dance, and it worked!
Denver Water has served fresh drinking water at the Xupantla ceremony since 2015.

On Sunday, June 17, Denver Water served fresh drinking water at the Xupantla ceremony helping to celebrate the season of rain and harvest. And, it couldn’t have come at a better time.

After a hot and dry start to June, Aztec dancers in full regalia of feathers and colorful costumes dance to welcome the summer solstice in prayer for the rain to yield crops.

And, it worked!

The dancers spent the day in pouring rain at La Raza Park in Denver, during the 38th annual event put on by Grupo Tlaloc Danza Azteca.

The traditional Azteca group, embodied of Chicano/Mexican families and students of all ages, is dedicated to preserving and nourishing the ancient knowledge of their ancestors.