Happy birthday, Denver Water!
We love birthdays!
Even though Denver Water is over a hundred years old, birthdays provide an opportunity to look back at where we’ve been, be excited about where we’re going, and be grateful for all the good things happening this year.
For example, if it weren’t for the visionary citizens who voted to buy the Denver Union Water Company on Aug. 6, 1918, forming what is now Denver Water, our city wouldn’t exist as we know it.
And with innovative infrastructure development projects in the works, like the Northwater Treatment Plant, we’re looking to the future and how we will continue to provide clean, safe and reliable drinking water to all our customers.
But the best birthday gift Denver Water is celebrating is you — our community, customers, stakeholders, partners and employees.
With all these groups involved, one of the many projects we’ve undertaken recently is the Lead Reduction Program, a groundbreaking public health initiative to replace thousands of old lead service lines at no direct charge to the customer.
The benefits of the program will serve countless people in our community for years to come.
And, as we pause to celebrate how far we’ve come since 1918, we remain committed to serving our customers as we manage and improve not only the complex water system entrusted to us — but the health and strength of the people and communities we serve.