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A nighttime symphony of construction at Gross Dam

Under the stars with the workers raising Denver Water’s dam.

Editor’s note: This story was written by Bob Mahoney, Denver Water’s chief engineering officer. Read more about the construction of the steps of the new, higher Gross Dam

At Gross Reservoir, a certain magic takes place when the sun sets and the rest of the world drifts into slumber. 

That’s when the night owls emerge, armed with determination and a mission to defy the conventional boundaries of time. For the team working on raising Gross Dam, the night is not a time for rest but an opportunity to push boundaries and achieve the extraordinary.

View from the top of Gross Dam at the roller-compacted concrete being placed against the toe, or bottom, of the dam. Photo credit: Denver Water.

It is here that our construction partners at Kiewit Barnard and their team of contractors, fueled by the most exciting project of their careers, have embarked on a mission to place roller-compacted concrete nonstop for nearly six months straight, from 4 a.m. to 2 p.m. and again from 6 p.m. to 4 a.m. 

As of mid-July, the steps made of roller-compacted concrete had reached 100 feet up from the base of the canyon.

The “ladder” on the spillway will support a drop chute conveyance system to expedite the delivery of roller-compacted concrete from the batch plant (at a site near the top of the dam) to the bottom of the dam. This team photo celebrates the first night of roller-compacted concrete placement. Photo credit: Denver Water.

For this project, time has become fluid, and the rhythm of work transcends the boundaries of day and night. 

The team's schedule is meticulously crafted, with members rotating in shifts to ensure seamless progress. From the early hours of 4 a.m. to the quiet depths of midnight, there's a constant hum of activity as the roller-compacted concrete is moved into place with precision and expertise.

The delivery nozzle for the roller-compacted concrete at the end of the drop chute — ready for delivery! Photo credit: Denver Water.

But why the nocturnal hustle? It's not just about meeting deadlines; it's also about safety, efficiency and optimization. During the day, the risk of lightning strikes looms large, posing a threat to both equipment and personnel. Hence, the strategic decision was made to schedule maintenance between the morning and night shifts to ensure safety and maximize productivity.

Learn more about the Gross Reservoir Expansion Project.

As the world celebrates holidays and moments of respite from now until Thanksgiving, this team of contractors will remain steadfast in its mission. Each concrete placement is a delicate dance of coordination and collaboration, with every member playing a vital role in the larger symphony of construction.

Workers made the first placement of roller-compacted concrete at the base of the existing Gross Dam at 8 p.m., May 3, 2024. Photo credit: Denver Water.

This isn't just any construction project; it's a testament to human ingenuity and perseverance. 

Our partners and their team of contractors have set out on a journey that will test their endurance, creativity and resolve. As a dam project of this magnitude hasn’t been undertaken for over 50 years, the team’s excitement during the first placement of roller-compacted concrete was evident.

Nighttime work at the base of Gross Dam. Photo credit: Denver Water. Photo credit: Denver Water.

Yet, amid the hustle and bustle, there's a certain serenity to the nighttime operations. 

Under the vast expanse of the starlit sky, the team finds solace in their collective purpose, and we are able to watch the extraordinary taking shape — securing the water future of our community.