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5 things we at Denver Water are thankful for this holiday season

From our environment to our customers, we count it down.
  1. Our natural resources
A restored Ponderosa Pine forest is one "From Forests to Faucets" success story.

The From Forests to Faucets partnership, which aims to improve forest health in priority watersheds, includes even more land. The partnership now includes Denver Water, the U.S. Forest Service, the Colorado State Forest Service, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Between 2010 and 2021, about $66 million will be committed to cross-boundary forest protection and restoration in priority watersheds with the goal of protecting water supplies.

The best example of the benefits of this program occurred this last summer during the Buffalo Mountain Fire in Summit County. Less than $1 million was spent to create a fuel break that saved over $1 billion in homes and infrastructure.

  1. A sustainable future
It takes about 520 gallons of water to produce one pound of turkey meat.

There are many ways to be sustainable, from a simple thing like cooking Thanksgiving dinner, to completely rethinking how we do business.

In terms of smaller things, we’re grateful to have so many tips to enjoy the holiday while saving water. Among them: Thaw your frozen turkey in the refrigerator — not under running water.

On a larger scale, we are taking steps to become an energy-neutral organization by 2020. That includes initiatives like reducing our municipal solid waste by 25 percent in the next two years.

  1. We turned 100 years old!

In 2018, we marked our 100th anniversary — a milestone that will usher in a new century of innovation and foresight to preserve and protect our water supply for generations to come.

We celebrated our 100-year milestone in many ways, including a good ol’-fashioned employee picnic, a proclamation from Denver Mayor Michael Hancock and Gov. John Hickenlooper declaring Aug. 6 to be “Denver Water Day” across the city and state and with a documentary celebrating our 100 years of service.

  1. Our employees

We have 1.4 million people depending on Denver Water to keep the water flowing.

Whether it’s the crews who repair and replace water mains, the teams who protect and manage reservoirs and watersheds or our emergency services and support services workers, there are many Denver Water employees working around the clock, rain or shine, every single day.

Yes, even during the holidays.

  1. You, our customer

Most importantly, we are grateful for our customers, who continue to trust us to deliver safe, high-quality water. We will continue to do so, and we thank you for your commitment to continue to use water wisely. It is, after all, our most precious resource.