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Now that’s what we call quality

Then and now, the work to protect our drinking water never stops.
Employees hard at work in the water quality lab of the Denver Union Water Company in 1896. Photo credit: Denver Water.


If you live in the Denver Water service area, your water’s journey starts as mountain snowpack and ends up as clean, great-tasting water delivered right to your tap. That’s no accident.

The Environmental Protection Agency dubbed August as National Water Quality Month.

But providing clean, safe, great-tasting water all year round is our mission, and water quality experts have been doing their part in Denver for more than a century.

The photo above was taken in the water quality lab of the Denver Union Water Company in 1896 — more than 120 years ago!

These days, Denver Water every year collects more than 55,000 water samples and conducts more than 200,000 water quality tests to confirm that your drinking water is safe, reliable and always great-tasting.

Check out the newest digs for our water quality experts in this TAP story. Denver Water's new water quality laboratory is in the Hydro building on the CSU Spur campus at the National Western Center.

And check out these water quality frequently asked questions to learn more about how Denver Water keeps the high-quality H2O flowing day in and day out.