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Payment issues? Give us a call

Denver Water's Customer Care team can help review options for customers facing hardships.
Denver Water’s Customer Care team, working from home during the pandemic, is experienced in helping customers worried about payment issues. Photo credit: Denver Water.


These are tough times right now, in many ways.

The community’s response to COVID-19 has led to economic hardships. In response, in mid-March Denver Water, along with many other water utility’s nationwide, temporarily suspended water shut-offs due to delinquent payments to ensure all customers have access to water to drink, cook with and wash their hands.

And, as the summertime heat tightens its grip, customers — many of whom are spending more time at home due to the pandemic — have increased their water use to help their lawns, flowers and landscape thrive.

Higher monthly water bills are typical during summer months, and Denver Water’s Customer Care team is experienced in helping customers who may be facing hardships. The utility also has tips for reducing water use, which will save money on water bills.

“We know it’s a tough time for many,” said Michelle Garfield, customer relations manager for Denver Water.

“We serve 1.5 million people and we’re working on our end to help customers as much as we can. Communication is key. We want our customers to reach out to us and talk to us if they’re concerned about paying their bill,” she said.

Team members are experienced in working with customers and providing options, like payment plans, or connecting the customer with other resources.

Garfield also recommended landlords and property managers talk to tenants about water use. Denver Water’s billing system ties the water bill to the property, meaning if a tenant does not pay the bill, the property owner is responsible for outstanding charges.

“Just as we’re working with our customers, we encourage landlords and property managers to partner with their tenants to make arrangements to pay the water bill if needed,” she said.