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For the record, it’s about water safety

Landlubbers and mariners alike sport life jackets to spread the word.
Angelina Savard and Norm Carlson donned life jackets as part of the 2016 Colorado Parks and Wildlife's "Wear Your Life Jacket to Work" Day.

Last year, Russia shattered the Guinness World Record for the largest swimwear parade on skis.

If you’ve always wanted to be a world record holder, don’t despair. Your dream can still be a reality, and you don’t have to risk hypothermia to make it happen.

Saturday, May 20, is Ready, Set, Wear It! Life Jacket World Record Day, and you can achieve your global celebrity status by attending one of the events sporting your life jacket.

You may even run into some Denver Water employees. Of course, we’re not in it for the fame, but we love sharing safety messages with our customers.

In 2015, the Coast Guard reported 626 boating fatalities, and 85 percent of those people were not wearing a life jacket.

Many of these deaths may have been preventable. That’s why many Denver Water employees participate in boating safety courses taught by the U.S. Coast Guard. We want everyone to enjoy the abundant recreational opportunities at seven of our reservoirs and along our many rivers and watersheds.

While some employees are lucky enough to work near a lake or stream, many of us landlubbers at Denver Water aren’t.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t spread the word about National Safe Boating Week, which runs from May 20 through 26. And as part of Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day, we took a moment to don our life jackets to bring attention to the importance of water safety.

They’re probably not winning any world records here, but we think they look pretty snazzy. Enjoy this video from Safe Boating Week 2016:

Disclaimer: No employees were harmed during the taking of these photos (other than their pride, maybe). While they do look ready for boating season, most of these employees are not qualified to share safety advice. For the real experts on life jacket safety, visit the North American Safe Boating Campaign website.