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Snowy Crop Circles at Dillon Reservoir

International artist combines math, snowshoes and nature to create snow art.
Simon Beck walks on Dillon Reservoir to create a snow mural. Photo credit: Silverthorne Photography.


Simon Beck, an internationally acclaimed snow and sand artist from the United Kingdom, has completed approximately 300 murals world-wide since 2004.

Beck visited Colorado for the first time in his career in January. The canvas? Snowy Silverthorne and Dillon.

Starting Jan. 2 and continuing through Jan. 16, Beck and his team are visiting multiple locations in Summit County to create several snow murals.

One of those locations was Dillon Reservoir.

On Jan. 11 and Jan. 12, Beck is scheduled to create a mural below the Dillon Amphitheatre.

Dillon reservoir is Denver Water’s largest reservoir with a capacity of 257,304 acre-feet of water. In fact, Dillon holds about 40% of the water supply stored for the Denver metro area.

You can find more videos and images of Beck's snow art in his Instagram account.