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The king of the Rockies

Bighorn sheep know how to put on a show in Waterton Canyon (just don’t get too close).
A Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep poses for a photo in Waterton Canyon.


The Rocky Mountains are home to more than 67 mammal species, but only one holds the title in its name. The Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep became Colorado’s state animal in 1961.

This magnificent creature lives in the rugged terrain of the Rockies (often above the timberline). But if you don’t want to venture to high elevations to catch a glimpse of our state animal, we have an easier way much closer to town.

The 6.5-mile trail in Waterton Canyon is home to many bighorn sheep and visitors often get an up-close look.

Though the trail creates a wonderful connection between guests and bighorns, they are still wild animals, so visitors should keep their distance. To enhance the relationship between humans and nature in the canyon, Denver Water and Colorado Parks and Wildlife created the Watchable Wildlife program.

Hike up the trail and stop by the visitor tent to learn more about bighorn sheep and their important role in the Waterton Canyon ecosystem!