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Winterize or bust

Tips and checklists to prep your home for winter.
Garden hoses should be disconnected, drained and rolled up for storage. (Photo courtesy istock/skhoward)


Are you ready for this week's big weather change?

This season's first powerful cold front is heading for the metro area, and forecasts say snow is possible along the Front Range.

To prevent costly damage as the first freeze falls, winterize your irrigation system, hoses and spigots by clearing them of any water.

Here are other water-related tips, and don’t miss this prewinter checklist.

Because Colorado winters can also bring periods of tepid temperatures and dry skies, trees and shrubs may still need watering. If you must water, do so the efficient way: by hand, applying water only where it’s needed.

We’re not immune to dry conditions in other areas of the state, and our water planners are always watching for dry spells to deepen into droughts.

Thanks to an abundant snow last winter, our customers’ wise water use, and good storage, Denver Water didn’t implement drought restrictions in 2019.

But next year could be different. Water connects us all, especially across the Continental Divide.

Thanks for watering efficiently this year and remember to watch for landscape and watering tips next spring!

Weathering Colorado winters for inside and out graphic.