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‘Written in Water’ — Coming to a TV near you

Behind the scenes of a new documentary celebrating Denver Water’s 100 years of service.

A film crew working on a documentary celebrating Denver Water’s 100th anniversary is gathering its final clips, traveling from high mountain reservoirs to the busy city streets.

The 46-minute film, titled “Written in Water: Reflections on a Century of Service,” looks at the Mile High City’s historic relationship with water, how a reliable water supply enabled its growth and Denver Water’s relationships with people and communities across Colorado.

HaveyPro Cinema is producing the film. Its team has spent months interviewing historians, environmental advocates and water experts as well as visiting the different parts of Denver Water’s network, said Jim Havey, the owner, producer and director of Denver-based HaveyPro Cinema.

“The engineering behind Denver Water’s system is always incredibly impressive,” Havey said.

The company also produced the 2015 documentary “The Great Divide,” which explored the history and future of water in Colorado.

On a recent sun-splashed day, HaveyPro’s three-person film crew joined Kathie Dudas, Denver Water’s brand and marketing manager, at Gross and Ralston reservoirs and the Moffat Treatment Plant to collect images and interview employees who work at the sites.

Pierre Goetz, Gross Reservoir hydro operator and caretaker, does an interview with the film crew from HaveyPro Cinema, (from left) Nathan Church, partner, editor and creative director, Zach Andrews (in hat on the left), assistant editor and camera operator, and Jim Havey (in hat on the right), owner, producer and director.

At Gross Reservoir, Pierre Goetz, hydro operator and caretaker, was interviewed about the role of the reservoir in Denver Water’s network and how the planned expansion will improve the reliability of the water supply system.

Downstream from Gross, at Ralston Reservoir, Travis Grant, the facility operator supervisor, guided the film crew to a high point above the water, where he talked about the reservoir’s operation. Facing east, the view started with the reservoir’s water sparkling in the sunshine, and stretched to downtown Denver’s skyline and the flat plains beyond.

And at Moffat, Jean Reding, a water treatment lead, talked about working in the 1937 treatment plant.

“I’m fortunate that I get to go document what Denver Water does and the cool things that people don’t know, going behind the scenes to tell the stories,” Dudas said.

The crew also has filmed at other Denver Water facilities, during board meetings and pipe installations.

“This is one of the greatest opportunities we’ve had to tell a truly relevant, engaging and entertaining story. I can’t wait to see it,” Havey said.

“Written in Water: Reflections on a Century of Service” next airing will be on Colorado Public Television (CPT12, PBS) on Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2019, at 8 p.m.

Jean Reding, water treatment lead at Moffat Treatment Plant, does an interview with Nathan Church (left) and Zach Andrews from HaveyPro Cinema in the central hall of the Moffat Treatment Plant for “Written in Water: Reflections on a Century of Service.”