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Commercial Indoor Water Use Issues

A little water savings goes a long way when you spread it out over multifamily complexes or business campuses. Save on your water bill by helping your tenants solve these common indoor water problems.

Shared water use makes it difficult to pinpoint leaks

Inspect each unit by doing an indoor self-audit. Involve residents and community managers so they see the benefit of using water efficiently.

Toilets are leaking or running

If a unit has a leak, toilets are usually the culprit. Look for leaks by putting a few drops of food coloring in the tank, waiting a few minutes and inspecting the bowl for color (if there’s color, you have a leak). Get rid of old leaky toilets and earn a rebate for installing a new, efficient model. Oftentimes, new toilets for your complex will pay for themselves quickly in savings on your water bill.

An old complex has dated fixtures

Replace inefficient models with new, efficient fixtures and earn a rebate for doing so.