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Sprinkler check-in time

Don't "set it and forget it" when watering your lawn. Photo credit: Denver Water

Have you checked your sprinkler timer lately?

Don’t just set it at the beginning of summer and forget it.

Power surges or outages, such as those that can occur during our afternoon thunderstorms, could affect your irrigation system’s operations. Or a lawn mower could bump into and damage a sprinkler head.

Checking your irrigation system regularly, like once a week or twice a month, helps ensure it continues working correctly and efficiently throughout the summer. And, using only what you need helps keep more water in our storage reservoirs so it’s available in the future.

There are no set watering days, but watering two days a week should be enough for your landscape during most of the summer. Only during extreme heat or dry periods may your lawn need an extra third day.

Adjust the minutes you irrigate different areas of your landscape based on rainfall, type of grass or plants, sunny or shady locations and other characteristics.

And remember, never water a zone more than three days a week, and never between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Our summer watering rules are in effect until Oct. 1.