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What is Denver Water’s Lead Reduction Program?


The water that Denver Water provides to homes and businesses is lead-free, but lead can get into the water as it moves through lead-containing household fixtures, plumbing and water service lines — the pipe that brings water into the property from the water main in the street — that are owned by the customer.

Through the program, Denver Water is:

  • Replacing all lead service lines in Denver Water’s service area with copper lines.
  • Providing free water pitchers, filters and replacement filters to use until six months after a lead service line is replaced.
  • Adjusting the pH of the water to reduce the risk of lead and other metals getting into drinking water from lead service lines or household plumbing.

What you need to know:

  • Properties that might have a lead service line have been automatically enrolled in the Lead Reduction Program.
  • The program is being provided at no direct cost to customers.
  • Denver Water is identifying lead service lines using a combination of investigative methods, including property records, water tests and visual inspections.
  • Denver Water plans work areas for service line replacement on an annual basis. The planning process uses a model that considers the location of lead service lines and underserved communities, as well as coordination with other planned construction activity. 

The Lead Reduction Program was approved in December 2019 (and reapproved in 2022) by the Environmental Protection Agency and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Have more questions about the Lead Reduction Program?

We have provided answers to the most frequently asked questions about the program.

Frequently asked questions