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Conservation & Efficiency Tips

Residential Efficiency Tip
This fall, Denver is transforming four medians on Quebec Street from useless bluegrass to a water-wise landscape.
Residential Efficiency Tip
Don't just "set it and forget it" this summer.
Residential Efficiency Tip
We’re sharing ideas to conserve water with your sprinkler system.
Residential Efficiency Tip
Every summer, we email personalized water use reports to single-family residential customers.
Residential Efficiency Tip
Does your yard have some decorative, thirsty turf that you only visit to mow?
Residential Efficiency Tip
A leak of just 10 drops per minute will waste almost 300 gallons in a year.
Residential Efficiency Tip
Make sure your toilets are working properly and not wasting water.
Residential Efficiency Tip
Replace or retrofit old fixtures and save.
Residential Efficiency Tip
Looking for ideas to reduce water use in your yard?
Residential Efficiency Tip
Think before you use during these hot, “dog days” of summer.