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Why am I receiving a water pitcher and filter from Denver Water?

  • Your home or business may be one of the estimated 64,000-84,000 properties in Denver Water’s service area that has a lead water service line — the pipe that brings water from the water main in the street to the plumbing in your home. Because you may have a lead service line at your home or business, you are part of Denver Water’s Lead Reduction Program. The program will replace customer-owned lead service lines with copper service lines at no direct charge to you.

What if I don't think my service line has lead?

  • As part of Denver Water’s regulatory requirements for the Lead Reduction Program, we must be able to show that either Denver Water has replaced the lead service line or have proof that there is no lead in the home. Because water service lines are customer-owned, Denver Water doesn’t know with certainty what the material of the service line is after the tap on the main in the street and into the property. The Lead Reduction Program is focused on making sure a customer’s entire service line is free of lead.

11 de abril de 2024. PLANT-ásticas perennes: introducción a plantas nativas y que ahorran agua.

Únete a Denver Water en un taller comunitario para aprender sobre cómo seleccionar, plantar y mantener plantas tolerantes a la sequía para tu patio, y sus beneficios para nuestros amigos polinizadores.

Expertos de Plant Select, CSU Extension y Denver Urban Gardens compartirán los beneficios del paisajismo que ahorra agua y te enseñarán a comenzar el tuyo.
